Aula Watch List


This page is a compilation of movies and series that we found very informative, inspiring, or jarring. Here you will find the title, where to find the movie/show, and a short description of each selection. There is no particular order to our choices. Happy watching!


Amend: The Fight for America (Netflix)


An exploration of equality told through the lens of the Fourteenth Amendment. This is a must-watch for those interested in humanities, social-political issues, and genuine lovers of Will Smith. You are guaranteed to learn about the history that has been kept quiet, and that you may never have heard of before.

(image from YouTube)


Chasing Coral (Netflix)


A documentary following a group of videographers as they create a timelapse of bleaching corals. Chasing Coral is not only informative but has a way of inspiring their viewers to learn more and take action.


Abstract (Netflix)


A documentary capturing the creative, artistic, and design process of many professional artists, designers, illustrators, and architects.
Being inspired by the work and research of creative professionals in the field is of great importance to building context for your own artistic endeavor!


The Social Dilemma (Netflix)


The Social Dilemma explores the rise of social media and the damage it has caused to society, focusing on its exploitation and manipulation of its users for financial gain through surveillance capitalism and data mining.

At AULA we often quote the documentary to research the interaction between this new media and society.


The Most Unknown (Netflix)


“The Most Unknown” is an epic journey through physics, biology, new technologies as a quest for knowledge.
This film is for the most daring to get in contact with the greatest unknown secrets of the universe.


Dark Net (Showtime)

Dark Net

Dark Net is a documentary television series the explores the ethical integration of upcoming technologies into society. The documentary explores themes such as bio-hacking, cyber-kidnapping, digital warfare, online cults, pornography addiction.
In our programs, we always ask our students to not just understand the technology but to critically think about its place in society.


Aula Reading List

